please email us at info@balisbestbabystting.com

if you have used our service and would like to submit your review

5.0 out of 5 stars (based on 583 reviews)
Very good0%

It’s always a nervous time leaving your children with a stranger in another country and we completely understand that. This is especially so, as many of us do not use babysitters at home in Australia, New Zealand, Europe or the USA!

For this reason we set about building something special after traveling to Bali for 15+ years and wanting to offer families like ours a fantastic reliable service where you could feel like you are really having a holiday!

Our nannies are the best on the island and we only work with nannies that have had many years experience. The professionalism of our nannies and their dedication to our business and their team mates, is what makes this business so special!

We are the only Western operated Babysitting & Nanny Service in Bali with 10+ years experience and our reputation is very important to us. We are very active in the Facebook community and our customers recommend and support us.

Thank you to those who have taken their time out to write these lovely comments below!


Nanny Putu Lucy

October 2, 2018

Couldn’t be happier with our experience. Our Nanny Putu Lucy was simply amazing. She allowed us to actually have a rest on our holiday, we even got to read a book, enjoy lunches and dinners out etc. She was fantastic. She knew a lot about allergies, she was very respectful of his routine and our wishes on how we wanted him to be cared for, very flexible, extremely caring and safety conscious, and all around just a wonderful person who we were happy to trust with our child. Will definitely use BBB again and Putu Lucy will be top of our list! Thank you so much.

Avatar for Emma W
Emma W

Nanny Eka

October 1, 2018

Fantastic service. The nannies are great with children and so attentive. You’ll be rewarded with an excellent nanny who shows up on time and is motivated to do a wonderful job looking after your little one.

Avatar for Adam D
Adam D

Nanny Umi

October 1, 2018

We hired Nanny Umi for 7 full days for our 10 month old daughter. From the first day Harriet warmed to her and had the biggest smile when Umi walked in, I think she’s missing her now we’re back in Australia! We were able to have some down time and enjoy our holiday because of Umi 🙂 thank you and we look forward to seeing Umi next year!

Avatar for Joanne Hammond
Joanne Hammond

Nanny Ririn

October 1, 2018

We have used BBB about 4 times now and each and every time our nanny has been fantastic. On our most recent trip, we had Nanny Ririn. She was absolutely amazing with our 8 month old and 4 year old during our two week trip. A complete pro!! She went above and beyond with our boys and was also very flexible with hours.

Avatar for Jayne Stanley
Jayne Stanley


September 29, 2018

Kutut was fantastic!!! Our daughter Grave just loved her and felt very comfortable leaving her while we attended a wedding. I would highly recommend Balis Best Babysitting. Thank you again

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Bev G

September 29, 2018

Hi Bali’s best baby sitting,

We can not thank you enough for Minar!!! It was an absolute pleasure to have her in the short time that we did, I only wish we had her longer!

As a first family trip overseas, i was a bit nervous about leaving my 10mth old with a complete stranger, that was soon put to rest the minute Sterling (10mth old) and Minar met. He was so at ease and comfortable with her from that very moment, he loved every minute they had together. Even when he was teething and sick, she still made him smile, laugh an play. Nothing was ever a problem, she just tried to make us relax and enjoy our holiday, so it was nice to have some mum n dad time, as they a very few n far between at home. It was sad when our time was up, but I will definitely look forward to the next time we come back. I’m so thankful that a lady from my mums group recommended BBB and I will now be able to pass on the same recommendations, so thanks again for organising such a wonderful person, who helped make our holiday a little more relaxing,

Kindest Regards,

Bev Gaudin

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Karla Mckeone

September 29, 2018

We have just returned from our 2 week holiday in Bali. We had the pleasure of have nanny Cicik as our wonderful nanny for the first 6 days of our holiday. Cicik took fantastic care of our 7 month old son and our very busy 2 year daughter. She is very sweet and caring and took all of our worries and doubts away we had about leaving our precious children in someone elses care with in the first 15 mins of meeting her. Cicik played games, did craft and swam with the children. She gave great advice on bathing and sterilising bottles with the water in Bali.

I would highly recommend Cicik to any of my friends traveling to Bali. I will definitely be hiring Cicik again.

King regards

Karla & Ben Mckeone

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Austin Velazquez

September 29, 2018

Our assigned Nanny (Komang) got pretty well with my little one. She seemed to enjoyed her day with the nanny, even if it was her first time with a nanny. I also highly appreciate the nanny’s flexibility when my tour got delayed. I really recommend this service!

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Kristy Gaston

September 29, 2018

We have just spent 7 of the most wonderful days in Bali all thanks to Umi and Wati. We were in a villa with 2 very energetic 18months olds and one 10month old who only wants to be held by her mum…. that is until she met Umi! While Umi looked after our baby girl, Wati chased and entertained the two toddlers, allowing all parents to relax and enjoy some lovely lunches, dinners and the pool. Both Umi and Wati were so lovely, caring and experienced that both the parents and kids were instantly put at ease. Umi was particularly good with our baby who was teething and had a bout of sickness. Thank you for making our trip so enjoyable! Can’t wait to come back and see you again!

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Jessica Bates

September 29, 2018

After much discussions with my husband we decided to book Bali for our first family holiday with our 8 1/2 month old daughter. My sister mentioned a nanny service but initially I felt uneasy leaving my daughter with someone I didn’t know. After much research I found Balis Best Baby Sitting to be the most reputable and the reviews were great so I decided to book.

Our Nanny was Wayan S. I was quiet nervous as my daughter was going through separation anxiety and I had never left her with anyone other than family. I was amazed at how my daughter bonded so quickly with Wayan S.

Wayan S was so loving and attentive with my daughter. She would sing songs, play with her and was more than I could ever of expected. Seeing my daughter shriek in delight when seeing Wayan S each day put me at ease.

My husband and I have decided we will be making Bali our annual holiday and will be sure to book Wayan S in advance.

Thank you Balis Best Babysitting for making our holiday so memorable and giving my husband and I some much needed date nights.

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We are very proud of our feedback history over the past 10 years. Please feel free to read through al of our reviews. 
There are over 400+ reviews over the past 10 years of operating in Bali. You can view these by clicking on the page numbers above.